Don't settle for less than what you are capable of becoming. Know that deep within the lies a treasure chest full of unlimited potential that is waiting to be unlocked. Too many times people often settle for less than what their hearts desire simply because they are afraid on what is on the other side and worry about what other people think of them. If we spend all of our time worrying about what others think, there will be no progress. If you expect to live in this world and always "play it safe", you might as well go live underneath a rock. We need to stop putting all of our time and energy on what others have to say about us going after our goals and dreams. People have to realize the paths that were set for each individual are going to be different, but the destination itself will be the same.
We all have the freedom of choice, but when we choose in opposition as opposed to our destiny, you will find yourself constantly struggling with life. Don't miss the opportunity to fulfill your destiny. So many people leave this world with the regret of "Shoulda, coulda, woulda." Do not be one them. You only live life once, so be the best that you can be and live with no regrets.
One love, Godspeed =)
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