Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Awakening

Now that I am a year older, it's time for a fresh start. New friends, relationships and new steps in my furthering my career. I've learned that "family" and "friends" can and will abandon you at the time you need them at the most. It's sad especially when you broke your back and sometimes your bank to support them during rough times. I sacrificed so much for others who ended up kicking me while I was down. I made up my mind to put myself FIRST. Not speaking selfishly, I will always continue to support those who appreciate it not take it for granted. I am to the point where I'm focused on making my dreams come true and becoming that woman God has destined me to be. I had to take the time out to do a bit a soul searching and to discover my TRUE self, and not accept what people made me out to be. I called myself "treating others as I wished to be treated" but we all know there are some people doesn't know what this mean or so battered, broken and stuck in their past, they don't know how to reciprocate such treatment. There are no hard feelings because I understand. It's hard because so many people have done you wrong, you don't know who to put your trust in, not even in the closest of family and friends. Even I've been fooled, but I do my best not to hold it against others for everyone is not the same and is out to hurt you. You have to live, learn and always have no days unalert. It will be easier to spot the phonies once you train yourself to keep your third eye open, seeing past the flattery and going by a person's actions, not their words but at the same time not being so defensive or paranoid to the point that you are pushing the right people away. I am not saying I have this down to a science, but since I am a very observant person, I have a tendency to pick up on vibes a person has given me, good and bad. Sometimes I go against my intuition as we all do and try to see the good in an individual, but I had to learn to accept things as they are instead of what I wished them to be. Trust me, it was a lesson WELL learned. As they always say, "When you follow your first mind, you will never go wrong." How many times have you kicked yourself after not following this simple rule and saying to yourself, "If I only followed my first mind, this would've never happened." I've done this many of days. I've learned to live without regrets for it has made me wiser and more aware of not repeating the same mistakes. I've ran into quite a few obstacles most of them were because I did not listen to my FIRST mind. I've learned in times of adversity, lies opportunity. We all had a rough 2011, but it was God's way of preparing us for what is to come this year. Remember, diamonds cannot be made without some type of pressure. If you haven't figured this out, then you have still have some growing to do. If you are caught "sleeping", you are in for a rude awakening. To all of my dreamers, it is time to wake up and turn that dream into a reality. Stay motivated, focused and most of all stay determined, brighter days are ahead of you. Ignore the haters and the naysayers because they envy the ambition and drive that you have. Drop that dead weight that is holding you back and let NOTHING stand in your way. It is time to kick some ass and take names later!

One love, Godspeed ツ

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